How Hijab Sportswear Comes To Mainstream

How Hijab Sportswear Comes To Mainstream

How Hijab Sportswear Comes To Mainstream How Hijab sportswear comes to mainstream in recent years ? More Muslim women are becoming interested in participating in sports and other physical activities. While there are still some barriers to entry for Muslim women in the world of sports. hijab sportswear is helping to break down those barriers. It allow Muslim women to participate in the activities…

Why Muslim Sports Women Wear Hijab?

Why Muslim Sports Women Wear Hijab?

Why Muslim Sports Women Wear Hijab? Why Muslim sports women wear hijab while practicing sports? Recently The French Senate voted in favor of a bill to ban headscarves in sports competitions. The advocates of the legislation claim that hijab is symbolize Islamic radicalism, patriarchy as well a lack of women’s empowerment. Muslim women athletes and…